Last Chance Before Interstate

After World War II, national leadership in the United States began building a system of highways that could facilitate speedy transfer of military from any location in the country to any other place in the country. The Inter-State Highways had requirements for managing speed that included sharpness of curves and steepness of inclines. Initially, the access points were simply ramps, frequently with no town nearby. Purchasing fuel could be an issue if you had to drive a long way down the Interstate before you could find an exit that had a gas station within 10 miles. Gas stations near Interstate road access frequently posted signs that read “Last Chance Before Interstate.” That meant, “Get it while you’re sure you can.” If you are capable of accomplishing all of your goals in life, I suggest that you are living outside the Kingdom of Heaven. We all have work laid out ahead of us (Ephesians 2:8-10) that will require the power of the Holy Spirit being applied if it is to be done.

Fred Flintstone powered his car himself – there was no floor, and he ran along on the ground to move the car. My truck requires gasoline. That creates two issues for me – gasoline evaporates, and has to be obtained before I need it. I keep a cap on the gas tank to keep the gas in the tank until I need it. If it isn’t on tightly, a light on my dash lets me know. I buy gas before I run out, and before I take a trip.

The Holy Spirit is the power to accomplish the works that He has prepared beforehand for me to walk in. I need to be filled with His power by His presence frequently. I leak, though, and there is no Spirit cap. I simply have to refill frequently. I also need to be filled by Him before I need Him. After the last minute repentance or humble requests for strength can work, but not as well or as reliably as having oil in my lamp before I need it.

Spend time in worship and in study and in meditation and in rest and in any other discipline that can put you and your life in a position or condition in which you can drink from the Fountain and be ready when opportunity or danger knock on your door.