Half a Decade

Five years is a long time if you are spending the time waiting on something. Five years isn’t long if you are spending it enjoying something.

What is different about your life now, compared to five years ago? What has changed regarding work, or habits, or knowledge, or attitude? If you believe that you could have done more to improve some of those or other things in your life, let that influence the way you prepare for your life five years from now.

What needs improvement? Skills? Habits? Level of maturity? Health?

Pick at least one area and make a note that you will see every day for the next ten days, instructing yourself to find and execute a plan for improvement in at least that one area in a measurable way. Five years from now, the point in time I just suggested you look back to will be ten years gone.

Intelligent people have a heart for gaining knowledge. A wise person’s ear is always listening so that new, useful information can be accessed. If you develop your gifts, they will make a way for you to find access to answers to people’s needs and they will create opportunities to influence situations and people in the earth for good. You may even influence influential people. (Proverbs 18:15-16)