Prove It!

Faith becomes effective when we act on it. James wrote in his letter that he showed his faith by his deeds. Some of the ideas that we believe have not yet passed the test of being “stood on.” We have not yet encountered an opportunity to prove them by being in a position that demands it.

I prove my trust of my truck by driving it. I prove my trust of the light switch in my room by flipping it. I prove my trust of Yahweh Shalom when I need peace. I prove my trust of Yahweh Yireh when I need provision. I prove my trust of Yahweh Ropheka when I need to be healed.

You can’t prove a plane flies if its in a museum. You can’t prove a boat floats if its in dry dock. You can’t prove you have faith if you never have trouble in your life. So – brace up. When an eagle feels a strong wind it opens its wings and floats on it. Boats don’t fear floods. Cherish the opportunities you receive to prove how awesome your God is.