Some Sabbath Questions

Since the law given through Moses was given only to the descendants of Jacob, and not to any gentiles, if I was a gentile when I became a believer in Jesus, what does the law have to do with me regarding keeping the seventh day separate from any work?

Since the change from the day of rest being the seventh day to being the day the sun god was worshiped (“sun day”) came upon believers under the influence of Constantine and the priesthood that he gave authority to, and he considered all religions the same, as he stated in his Edict of Milan, should I be influenced by his polytheism to consider Sun day to be holy?

Since the first believers met daily after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, and Paul mentioned some believers considering every day as holy, what should I think of as a proper day of rest, if it is a law Jesus expects me to obey?

Since Paul went to synagogue on the Sabbath in each new town he evangelized, what influence should I let that have on how and when I gather with other believers?

Since Hebrew time-keeping of each day starts at sundown, when does a Sabbath start and end if I do keep it?

All of this is offered with the hope that you question religion and rituals that pretend to have value, and that you ask Jesus what He values and join His opinion. I suggest it is unlikely to align with Constantine or much of what he and his popes invented as rites and reasons.