James the King and the IRS
Neither the Republican Party nor the Democratic Party have as their agendas the process and structure of an honest, generous governance of the United States. Some individuals in each party probably do, but the two-party structure that operates as our government exists with the twin goals of control and profit.
When “Obamacare” was legislated into existence, the greatest number of new employees in the government to enforce it was added to the IRS, not the management of insurance rules and policies. When the former Soviet Union collapsed, it was discovered that the KGB did not consider the CIA to be their enemy counterpart. It was the IRS they perceived to be most like them in our government. The reason was the IRS was created to further the management of control and profit.
One reason why both Democrats and Republicans hate and lie about Donald Trump is because he hates their corrupt and manipulative intentions against the citizens of the nation. If Hitler had been in possession of propaganda forces like CNN, MSNBC and Fox News, he would never have had to buy one gun. Governments that have promoted Marxism have murdered more people than Hitler did. Misinformation can deceive many people into believing that their captors are their benefactors.
What Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 was that He intended to build an ekklesia that could not be overpowered by gates of hades. James, King of England, employed translators to produce an English version of the Scriptures. The third of his fifteen instructions to them regarding their work was to mistranslate “ekklesia” as “church” instead of “assembly,” which is what the word really means. Of the 118 times the word was used by New Testament writers, the translators therefore mistranslated it 115 times. The other three times, in Acts 19:35-41, they properly translated it, because the text would not allow them otherwise. In that same text, the only time they properly used the word “churches” (verse 37), they were using it to translate the word that is a compound including “hieron,” which was properly translated “temple” in verse 27 of the same chapter.
An ekklesia was a ruling council when Jesus used the word. That is why He also used it in Matthew 18:17: “If he pays no attention to them, tell the ekklesia.” That is also why James the King commanded it to be mistranslated – his intention regarding his citizens was control and profit by governing them.
Learn what it means to be what Jesus has desired that we be – ekklesia. It is a Kingdom word, because all He ever talked about was the Kingdom of Heaven.