Like He Said

Be careful to make everything according to the model of them you have been shown on the mountain.
(Exodus 25:40 Holman Christian Standard Bible ©®)

What has the Lord shown you about your life? What are some of the prophetic words over you that have not yet become visible or come to pass? Be careful to allow into your life only things that match the pattern you have been shown in your highest moments with the Lord.

If you don’t have someone near you who has a prophetic ministry, who shares with you now and then that they had a dream that they feel had a word in it for you, or who sometimes gets in touch with you to share something they feel that the Spirit is wanting to say to you, ask the Lord to connect you with a trustworthy prophet (or a few!).

When I sense that the Lord is saying something to me but I need more details, or a confirmation, I ask Him to speak to me through a certain person or a couple of people, and frequently that person lets me know that they have a word.

Many leaders try to excuse their lack of experience with supernatural ministry by declaring that prophecy and miracles and other gifts have ceased. Don’t be deceived by faithlessness. Expect everything that the Lord has done in and through His body to continue, and to increase. Be filled with faith. Bear much fruit.