Equipped for the Harvest
Most gatherings of believers in the US are waiting around, hoping for something. It doesn’t seem to be the Harvest at the End of the Age (Matthew 13:36-43), though. More like the county fair after the harvest is over, or a harvest festival. Or Heaven.
Imagine a different scene, with congregations of the ekklesia of Christ in which each believer is being equipped to know and then walk in the ministry to which they are called. Where most of the songs are not about us, being delivered from the scary earth into heaven, but about worshiping the King with a vast offering of the nations of the earth, delivered from death, the grave, and the kingdoms of the earth, which will have become the Kingdom of our God. Imagine the eternal joy found in fully accomplishing all that you were set in place for in the earth and the Kingdom.
Don’t stop searching for that scene shift so that when it happens, you see it and can step into it. Then you can be part of the Kingdom instructions of Jesus, going into all the world, making disciples of the nations, and bringing them to their real King.