Don’t Settle for Cheap Substitutes
People who have joined a branch of the military or applied to and been accepted by a famous and much-loved university frequently have found upon living out the relationship with the institution that much of the glory and magic they were expecting didn’t really exist. Roman mythology has misrepresented the body of Christ and the Kingdom with earthly glories and fantasies. As a child, I was related to a congregation where there was a gold cross between two candles on a table that on the front read, “This do, in remembrance of Me,” and on the end read, “In memory of __,” (filled in with the name of the donor who paid for the nice table.
That was a pretty great contrast from a wooden cross between two thieves. Even the table, which was called an “altar,” has no place in a gathering of people whose High Priest has entered the holy place in a temple which was built by Yahweh, carrying His own blood as a sacrificial offering for the sin of the world. Even the earthly tabernacle’s incense altar has been replaced by our hands, raised in prayer and in praise.
We will be set free from religion that has arrogantly tried to supplant the realization of Yahweh dwelling among His people. We will draw close to Him, and He will draw close to us, and draw us into supernatural fellowship that changes us and those we can influence with manifestations of His presence in our lives. Today, find some way to increase your submission to Him and your resistance to religious traditions that have no power to save or to supply life (Colossians 2 & 3).
Spend time with Jesus, not with religion and rituals.