Freed Slaves
The descendants of Israel who had become enslaved by Egypt were liberated from that slavery very dramatically. When they faced the difficulties and responsibilities of owning their lives, they preferred slavery, though (Acts 7:39)!
In John chapter 8 (read verses 30-47) Jesus was talking to some Jews who believed Him. He told them that if they continued in His word, they would know the truth, and the truth would set them free. Responding to their complaint that they were not slaves, He said that anyone who sins is a slave to sin.
He has dramatically set us free from sin that had enslaved us. We need to march forward with Him through desert or river or mountain or valley, and be set free from the influence of anything that is not of Him. Like people who have come out of the grave, we should value every breath as a blood-bought gift from One Who loves us and died for us so that He could meet us in that grave and bring us out.