Diving in the Desert

Two things happened before Jesus started public ministry. The Holy Spirit descended on Him, and the Holy Spirit drove Him into the desert to be tempted by satan. These two things must happen in our lives before we are useful in His Kingdom. We must be in submission to His Spirit. The event or events that we could point to as evidence that this has happened may be very different from one person’s life to another. Making a religion out of how we receive the Spirit as Influencer is a mistake.

The events that amount to our desert preparation will continue to happen until we have been prepared by them. These events can be very different in different people’s lives. The “problems” that you are facing are likely to be preparation for helping others find life from the King after you have been equipped by them. Avoiding trouble will make it take much longer or may cause your destiny to be aborted.

Dive in to your difficulties and beat the blessings out of them! Then, share those blessings with others.