God’s Not Mad at You

The next time you are feeling that Yahweh is not speaking to you because He is angry with you, or has condemned you for some mistake, remember that He spoke to / influenced Pharaoh, Balaam, Nebuchadnezzar, Paul when he was on his way to murder believers, and many other people who were not seeking His will or His instruction. Ask Him. Knock. Seek.

The reason the revelation He wants to give us eludes us on days is that we are not willing to do what He would ask. Surrender your heart and strength and soul and ask again. Knock again. Seek again. You will find what He is looking for.

Yahweh is the God of the storm, and of ice and of fire. But He is also Love. And He came looking for you when you were not looking for Him. The slightest degree of surrender to His desires will give Him access into which He would love to pour the ability for the greatest degree of surrender and then satisfy it’s hunger.

The first person to be invited to Paradise with Jesus was in the process of being tortured to death in condemnation. His ticket to enter was his acknowledgement of Jesus as his King.