Farming and Growing

A farmer was visited by a preacher. As they sat on the front porch gazing at the sun setting over the prosperous fields, the farmer commented that his hard work through the spring and summer was paying off with a great harvest. The preacher added, “I expect God had a lot to do with how well your fields produced.” The farmer thought about the preacher’s response for a couple of minutes. He finally replied, “God didn’t grow no corn here when He was taking care of the place by Himself.”

If you want to control what grows in a certain place, it is wise to control the environment. The place with the most life present will be one where God controls the environment. The farmer’s field was full of corn, but the jungle is full of life. Congregations where the members are in neat rows like a corn field will be controllable and perhaps productive. Congregations that are more full of life are less controlled and more dangerous and on days inconvenient. The jungle environment is wet and full of vines and bugs and animals. The amount of life is multiplied, though. It grows without fertilizer. It knows how to grow without plowing or planting.

Ask the Lord of the Harvest what sort of environment you should be working in.