
When I was 25 I had season tickets to all of the concerts a nearby city’s symphony and chamber orchestras performed. Because of my subscription, I was sometimes invited to art shows and receptions for musicians or artists. My curiosity led me to a few of those afterglows and backstage events.

Because I knew no one in any of the crowds, though, I was always an outsider. Even when I introduced myself to people, or when they approached me and started a conversation, there was always a distance I could sense between us.

One day, as Jesus was passing through a crowd, a woman reached through the distances between the people and the distance that was between Jesus and herself. She touched His clothes. The distance disappeared as He felt power pass through Himself from His Father. He stopped the crowd and sought the person who wanted to eliminate the distance.

Reach through all the distance of pain or sickness or fear or crowd and touch His heart. He longs for the distance to disappear. He longs to touch your heart in reply.