Your Shepherd’s Voice

On days, Yahweh is in your face with power and fire. On other days, He seems to be hiding, and the only communication you sense seems to be a quiet, garbled whisper. Further complication comes when He uses another person to communicate with us.

Finding the thread through all of that which is like you “knowing your Shepherd’s voice” can seem impossible. Having doubts about your ability to listen and/or hear pushes the target even farther away.

Draw as much courage as you can from the FACT that He wants you to succeed. The blood that paid for you to be His was tortured out of the precious frame of Jesus. You are costly, and valuable.

He wants you to succeed. You just need to keep being available and influenceable. He will make you capable. His work in you is what makes you able to want to do what is righteous, and to be capable of doing what is righteous.

Go be awesome!