Travel Brochures

Hotels, rest stops and some gas stations have racks of brochures describing local areas of interest to tourists. Even though the brochures are produced by the owners or managers of the destinations, some contain accurate details, while others are just hype designed to lure people into the trap and out of some money.

Much of the world has similar advertisement and deception. The immeasurable information found through the internet is famous for being frequently wrong. Going to Nigeria expecting a Swedish climate would be disappointing. Especially if the travel brochure you read that made you decide to make the trip promised it.

Reading about the Kingdom of Heaven in the Scriptures and trying to find it in the earth can be frustrating. On the days we misunderstand or misapply or are misdirected by others’ distorted ideas from the Book, we will not be well equipped for what we encounter in the pain and confusion and deception that fills the world.

We have access to the information hotline that is answered by the One Who inSpired the Brochure, though. When we read about some desirable place that is hard to find in reality, we can ask for directions or interpretation. When we are not sure we are on the correct path, and the map is unclear, we have access to the One Who drew the lines between the nations for clarification.

Take advantage of the access you have to the Author and Finisher of your faith. The call is free. Ask questions. Expect help.