Exodus 15

After being delivered through the sea, Israel rejoiced with a song Moses wrote. This is a tune I have set part of the song to:

Who is Like You?

Who is like You, O Yahweh?
Who is like You – glorious in holiness?
Who is like You, O Yahweh:
Fearsome and famous – doing wonders!

You stretched out Your Right Hand,
The earth consumed Your enemies!
You used that same Right Hand
To lead the people You’ve redeemed by Your mercy.

In Your strength You brought us
Into Your holy dwelling place,
And You have planted us
On the mountain that You rule and You reign from!

The sanctuary
Which Your hands have established
Enshrines Your holy name.
You’re gonna reign as King forever and ever!

Blessed be the LORD God,
The God of Israel,
Who only does wondrous things!

©2003 Douglas Thomas