The Fake Kingdoms

Karl Marx was the grandson of a Jewish rabbi. Before Karl was born, his father converted to Lutheranism to escape persecution as a Jew. Karl was baptized into the Lutheran church in 1824.

He was influenced by many liberal thinkers in his education, but somewhere in his educational experiences he was exposed to the idea of the Kingdom of Heaven. A glimpse of it is available in Acts 2, were Luke described a social and economic structure of some sort that was developing in the initial church that included sharing possessions.

This kind of commonality is the basis for a socio-economic ideal that is lived out in structures called “communes.” The idea of pure “communism” is that all of the citizens of the commune have community ownership and management of all property.

Socialism in modern political terms is an attempt to build a city like the one described in Genesis 11; it is the Kingdom of Heaven absent of the Heavenly King. Men reign in socialism. Humanism is always close at hand as its theology in its various manifestations in the earth.

When the members of the Family of the King of Heaven are aligned with Him and with His ordination of their identities and work (1 Corinthians 12:18), we will displace all of the governments of men and all of their false presentations of His values and provisions and protections, and He will reign for ever and ever.