Competition for Resources

Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
(Philippians 2:3,4 Holman Christian Standard Bible®©)

Part of the contention that existed around Jesus before He was crucified included the Jewish religious leaders’ fear of losing control of the nation. They had managed to negotiate with their Roman oppressors to keep some control by their surrender of their powers to Roman powers. Matthew’s work was an example of the system of control.  A traitor to the nation of Israel, his job of taxing other Jews and living well in the process put him at competition with his neighbors for control of their property.

Jesus’ answer to the warfare was to move on (through the path of cross and grave) and leave the war in His Father’s hands. In less than 40 years, the city of Jerusalem was handed over to its enemies, who destroyed it. Jesus warned His followers about how to recognize that judgement and avoid being swept away in it (Luke 21:20).

When Abraham’s annoying nephew Lot was still living in his presence, their shepherds were fighting over grazing land. Abraham asked Lot to pick property he wanted from Abraham’s possessions and to go live on it. Lot was selfish. He was not part of what Yahweh was building in the earth, and had no thoughts of cooperating with Him. He picked the best land of Abraham’s properties, and Abraham moved his people to the higher, more difficult pastures. Abraham continued to prosper. Lot ended up in Sodom, then in exile, and his descendants were Moabites, who persecuted and contended with the descendants of Abraham (Genesis 13).

On days, considering all things as loss for the sake of the Good News and the Kingdom frees us from weights and wars and distractions and sinking vessels that our enemies will happily occupy and be removed with. Trusting our King to replace our supplies or property or relationships that are under siege by people who are self-centered and contentious gives Him the raw material of faith, from which He can form better, bigger, more numerous blessings for us.

So He said to them, “I assure you: There is no one who has left a house, wife or brothers, parents or children because of the kingdom of God, who will not receive many times more at this time, and eternal life in the age to come.”
(Luke 18:29-30 Holman Christian Standard Bible®©)