The First Mistake

In 1 Corinthians 10, Paul advised the believers to avoid making the mistakes that Israel made between the time they left Egypt under Moses’ leadership and the time they entered Canaan being led by Joshua. He said the things they experienced happened, and were written down, to admonish us, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. It is […]

Look Carefully

Today’s life-changing or Life-giving opportunity may be cleverly hidden behind responsibility or sacrifice or something scary. Ask the Spirit where to put your foot every time you pick it up to take a step. 2 Samuel 15:13-21 13 A messenger came and told David, “The hearts of the people of Israel are with Absalom.” 14 Then David said to all his officials who […]

Luke 10 Preaching

Luke 10:20  “… don’t rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven. Please read the first 24 verses of the 10th chapter of Luke. Read it with no thought about what it might be saying about church. Meditate on every phrase to extract what it might be saying about the Kingdom. That […]

We’re Depending on You

We are depending on you. But that means something different for each one of us. I’m depending on you to help me with my work. He’s depending on you to make him feel better about himself. She needs you to pay her on time so she can pay them on time. He needs $5 to get some gas because he […]

Gideon Syndrome

Gideon was hiding from bands of thieves in a wine press to thrash wheat. An angel, in the typical angelic style of needing to follow up by saying, “Oh – don’t be afraid!”, terrorized him by suddenly popping into view and saying, “Hail, Valiant Warrior!” Gideon then spent a few minutes arguing with him about how not valiant he was… […]

Lot or Abraham?

Yahweh called Abram out of Ur. He didn’t call Lot. Either Abram invited him, or he invited himself. Abram became Abraham as he moved into his destiny – changed from “Exalted Father” to “Father of a Multitude” (Genesis 17:5). Lot didn’t change. Lot wanted more land so he could have more possessions. Abraham asked Lot what land he wanted, and […]