Invaders / Liberators
Allied forces invading occupied territories brought freedom in their wake. The occupying forces had brought bondage and death. It was easy to see the second invasion as a welcome army. An army unlocking the doors and gates of a prison camp would be welcomed with thankful tears.
We are invaders of the kingdoms and prisons where even the rich and the rulers are bound as slaves. The victims rarely recognize their real abusers. They usually think they are free if they have money.
This inability to recognize their status prevents them from discerning ours too. It takes supernatural preparation of the people we are to serve for them to receive us and our King.
We should probably be unoffendable, and full of courage that is more related to our callings than our abilities. Our King is a Savior. He sets the captives free and opens eyes to see His people and their purpose.
Take the land. It will cost more than your life and be worth His.