Gideon Syndrome
Gideon was hiding from bands of thieves in a wine press to thrash wheat. An angel, in the typical angelic style of needing to follow up by saying, “Oh – don’t be afraid!”, terrorized him by suddenly popping into view and saying, “Hail, Valiant Warrior!”
Gideon then spent a few minutes arguing with him about how not valiant he was… Soak up some clues:
- Yahweh is right when His opinion differs from yours
- If Yahweh sends an angel (“messenger”) to you with a message, spend more time listening than talking during the meeting
- You haven’t been picked for the assignment because of your brain, gold, muscles or good looks, and you’re not disqualified for the assignment by your lack of any of those valuable qualities
- Yahweh has His own abilities in mind as He assesses the project. What He has in mind regarding you is your availability
- Gideon was a valiant warrior when he obeyed the instructions. It was impossible, in fact, to be as awesome as he was if he had been alone.
- With God, all things are possible, and you are with Him.
Douglas Thomas