Distraction and Deception
I have two fronts on which to battle for the realization of righteous behavior in my life: the influences of other humans, other spirits, and my iniquity on one hand, and on the other my ability to be deceived.
If I am easily distracted, any toy or pleasure that is dangled in front of me will influence me. If I am easily deceived, I will argue with anyone who tries to point out my error and I will guard my freedom to believe the wrong ideas and to perform wrong deeds. When I am deceived, I will defend my error and become even more entrenched in its grip.
The gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven includes the good news that we can be influenced by righteousness and walk in freedom instead of being helplessly bound by deceivers. The alternate influences are the holy Spirit of God, His written and spoken word, and my reborn spirit, which is righteous because it is born of the Holy One Who is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: the Father of His Firstborn, our eldest Brother Jesus.
We are not stepchildren, born of one filthy and One Holy. We are born of God. Simply by allowing the righteousness of God that dwells in our spirit to influence all of our decisions, we will walk in that right-ness.
Having the additional influence of His holy Spirit, how can we fail if we will listen to Him, trust His leadership, and obey?