When and how does someone get authorization to tell you what to do or not to do? What are the limits of what they can say and on what subjects?
Somewhere between the bookends of the Shepherding Movement and the idea that even Jesus shouldn’t be trying to run my life, is the liberty found in the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
There are times in Scripture when people and angels were given words of revelation or instruction that were ignored at cost and others that were obeyed with blessing.
Jesus said that His sheep know His voice and follow Him out to pasture and in to safety. That truth is the explanation of and instruction on how to discern who has a word of authority in your life or work.
When we learn to recognize His voice it will facilitate the realization of the prophetic pictures in Ephesians 4 of reaching unity in the knowledge and faith of Jesus, and no longer being carried away with stupid teaching.
You will be trusted with authority when you grow up in worthiness of it. Others will too. Listen for the Shepherd’s voice in both cases and obey Him.