As Jesus pointed out to the Pharisees (John 5:37-40), the Book as they knew it was revelation of a Ruler. They had reduced it to a book of rules.
Paul did not recommend using the Old Testament as a rule book instructing us about how to please God. In his letter to the Galatian congregations, he made some clear declarations about purpose and use of the Scriptures.
Please pause and read Galatians 3:10-25. Some points he made in this passage include that the law that came from Yahweh to the Jews through Moses will kill you if you try to depend on following it to please God. No one is justified before God by obeying the law of Moses or any other law.
The curse that would have come upon us if we had been under the law was put on Jesus, and He took the death and curse for those He gave the law. If you are Jewish, that includes you, since you were under the law.
Gentiles had a law that was written in their hearts that they were delivered from by the death of Jesus. Gentiles have never been under the law of Moses. Not the ten commandments, not the dietary laws, not the laws about sacrifice, not the law that says you will be cut off from your people for wearing that shirt you have on that is part cotton and part something else – none of it. (If you’re not convinced about your shirt, read Deuteronomy 22:11).
The Law given through Moses was given to Israel to make them Yahweh’s nation (Exodus 19). Jesus was given to the whole world to make us Yahweh’s family (John 3:16).