Being Successful
Kodak, the film & camera company, sold shares of their stock for $90 or so in 1997. At end of day on January 3, 2012, shares were 76¢. A few months later, Instagram was sold to Facebook for $1 billion.
It pays to periodically check to be sure that the horse you are riding is not dead. On the days when it does appear to have died, do not kick it. Dismount and ask Jesus where your next horse is.
It is more efficient to move to the next horse before one dies and before wasting time burying the dead. In hockey terms, skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it was when you started moving.
It is not always possible to be right. It is usually at least possible to learn something through every mistake, though. Keep asking the Spirit of Him Who knows the end from the beginning how you are progressing. You will learn more about discerning His voice even through the mistakes and dead ends.
Pay attention. Be strong. Be courageous. Yahweh, your God, is with you, and He intends to take you into the place He promised you.