Creating Space
Faith is the substance of things hoped for – the evidence of things not seen. It is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen. It is a confidence of things hoped for, a conviction of matters not seen.
That is three English translations of Hebrews 11:1
Faith creates a space into which what we are expecting can appear. Some things will not appear if we have not created the opening that allows it. Some things will be left undone or left in place that should be broken down if we do not act or stand in faith.
Read the rest of Hebrews 11 with a fresh expectation that something could be hidden there that explains how faith does what it does. Don’t get distracted by the names or the stories, but be focused on the link that faith was in each example between hearing a word in Egypt and moving into a house you didn’t build in Palestine.
Faith toward people who have failed creates a space into which they can move toward success. Faith toward an enemy can create a space into which your God can become a strong tower, into which you can safely run.
Winning and succeeding and obtaining are not as important as standing, it seems. After all things, stand. Faith creates a space into which you can stand and withstand and refuse to give up.
Stand, therefore.