Difference of Opinion

I am convinced that the Holy Spirit has a difference of opinion with religious leaders regarding the concepts of clergy and laity being valid categories of church membership. Luke recorded the apostles’ reaction to a controversy about a ministry of feeding widows as not being important enough for them to do the work of fixing it (Acts 6 and Acts 8). Since the complaints were coming from the believing Jews who’s lifestyles were Greek, they called for the Helenistic believers to present to them 7 men from among their number.

The apostles clearly thought they were simply going to name these men as servants in a meals-on-wheels ministry. They thought that they were clergy and the Greek boys were laity. I think that it is also clear that the Holy Spirit had a different opinion about the ministries He was calling the boys to. He used the act of the apostles laying their hands on the boys to fill them and anoint them with powerful gifts

Stephen could suddenly lose no theological debate. Philip led an entire town to Jesus, by miracles and teaching. It was perhaps the town that had previously rejected Jesus because He was heading toward Jerusalem. The dichotomy of “clergy” and “laity” finds its roots in Roman Mythology, where a false priesthood of men rather than of God attempts to disable most of Christ’s body from effective service to Him.

Every believer has been called to an important ministry. Every ministry that Jesus ordains requires the empowerment of His Holy Spirit to be possible. All of us have something supernatural to do.