Proper Government

I have, since being a teenager, had the perhaps arrogant idea that if something is popular there must be something wrong with it. It influenced my choices of music, of religion, clothing, art, and everything else, I suppose.

Democracy is touted as the best government ever on the earth. Some have said of it, though, that if good people lead the government, it will be good government, even if it has bad laws. If it is led by bad people, it will be bad government, even if it has good laws. Just because most people voted for something or someone there is no real evidence of the value or character or wisdom of the law or candidate.

The number of people addicted to tobacco is no endorsement of its sensibility or any prevention from keeping it from killing them. Even the finest government designed by men is just a cheap substitute for the real freedom Paul mentioned in Galatians 5:1. Shifting from slavery to liberty is not real freedom. Liberation from being a slave to the stupidity of sin is real freedom.