Weird Faith

At what point does it become weird to have faith in Jesus?

The woman with perpetual menstruation had seen all the physicians who could be seen, apparently. The boy on the funeral cart near Capernaum was not getting any more opinions about his condition. Bartimaeus was definitely blind. Their problems were out of the reach of the professionals of the day.

Without regard for whether some need is or isn’t out of the reach of the professionals of our day, does that mean I have to settle for their pro-gnosis? Can’t I seek another opinion? Can’t I ask the One Who designed my body what He thinks can be done regarding some sickness or injury? When does that become weird? How much of a miracle is too much to ask for?

One day we will stand before a Judge Who is so glorious and fierce and righteous that heaven and earth will be afraid to be in His presence. In that position, we will be shown from books all of our actions and inactions, with the intent that we answer for them. (Revelation 20:11,12)

I have decided that in that place of unimaginable awe and blazing scrutiny, I would rather be asked, “Why did you ask Me for all of those crazy and impossible things?” than “Why didn’t you ask Me for more? I told you that I loved you and that you could ask me for anything.” Weird suddenly moved to a completely different place on the spectrum.