Think Like Yahweh

C. Peter Wagner, in his book This Changes Everything – How God Can Transform your Mind and Change Your Life (Regal Books, ©2013 Peter Wagner), offered this list of American Jewish people’s leadership accomplishments:

Jews make up only 2% of the American population, yet

  • 45% of the top 40 Forbes richest Americans are Jewish
  • 33% of American multimillionaires are tallied as Jewish
  • 20% of professors at leading universities are Jewish
  • 40% of partners in the leading law firms in New York and Washington are Jewish
  • 30% of American Nobel Prize winners in science are Jewish
  • 25% of all American Nobel Prize winners are Jewish

Wagner is basing his interpretation of this data on the Scripture “Be transformed by the renewing of your minds.” (Romans 12:2). His suggestion is that the reason more Jewish people succeed at business and science and other leadership is because they have been influenced culturally and by the Scriptures to think like Yahweh.

The application of the Yahweh-influenced thought style is pretty much limited to earthly things in this case, but if it is true that thinking the way the Holy Spirit wants me to think will bring me more success than my neighbors will experience, I need to let Him change my mind, and use the changed one a lot.