Being Victim Eyed

When someone is offering me $12K I look at it differently than when someone is billing me $12K. The “point of view” that I take in any situation can turn it into any number of misunderstandings or re-presentations.

If I make all of the observations I answer situations with all day be influenced by the cross of Jesus and the throne of Jesus, they all might take on new values and purposes and levels of impact. Giving me a barrel of money that can’t be spent in the country I live in doesn’t have much value. Conversion could happen that revalues it.

When we love one another, just as Christ has loved us, when we forgive one another, just as God in Christ forgave us, when we esteemĀ one another as greater than us, when we become the servant of all, we have stepped into the place where the view is the clearest.

Other perspectives are cloudy or dark. It is hard to hear the directives the Holy Spirit wants to speak in us when we are most concerned about our status as victims or the size of the bill we are getting as servants.

Every moment is an excellent time to let that mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus – when He decided to come to earth as the Son of Man.