Odds & Oddities

People argue about how many adults were in the crowd Moses led out of Egypt. I hear ranges from 1 to 6 million.

Trim all the fat out of the picture you like, and pretend we know there were 1,102,303. Based on that pretense, let’s create some minimal odds. Joshua and Caleb we don’t have to guess at. 2 people out of however many (1,102,303 is a wild guess) is a pretty small percentage.

If the perspective is typical (as in type / antitype), the odds of you being successful at a calling that is not maintenance of some tradition are not good. Half a million to one, you won’t be and do what Yahweh has called you to if it’s new or if it disrupts the status quo.

No problem with those odds when you are an oddity, though! Be encouraged! Your awesome God picked you because you are going to be and do what He likes. You are not going to quit, surrender, faint, fail, or die without accomplishing what He put you in the earth for.

He likes doing things that way. He likes embarrassing His enemies and nay-sayers by picking the likes of us to take out or out last the likes of them.

Go be awesome.