Ekklesia Ruling

Every time the church has tried to rule in public affairs, the result has resembled the Holy Roman Empire: corruption, slaughters and darkness.

Every time believers have entered into the rule of public affairs, the result has resembled the influences of William Wilberforce and Amy Carmichael: laws being changed or created that invite and empower righteousness, freedom, life and light.

Through the centuries, the work of individuals and groups of individuals, without regard for church affiliation, has been the force that has opened doors to humanity’s ability to rise in purpose and value. Relationships of such individuals to others is ekklesia. As Paul described in Ephesians 4, every joint or ligament doing its part of pulling together and creating the ability to work at greater levels is what causes the body of Jesus to be built up in love.

Most of the advances of the work of believers through the centuries has been in spite of the church. Martin Luther, John Wesley, John Wycliffe and countless others were thrown out by the church and many hunted down and murdered.

As you find other believers to develop deep relationships with and to do greater works with, you will have entered effectively into ekklesia. As you find other believers with whom to fellowship and teach and learn with, you will have entered effectively into koinonia. Call either environment what you like. Those two words are transliterations of Greek words. I propose that when you find them, it will not look like church. It won’t be drawing attention to its programs and fund raising chicken dinners. It will be new and different, and it will be effective in the earth.