Is God For You or Against You?

Joshua encountered the Commander of the Armies of Yahweh (Joshua 5:13,14). He was standing with his sword drawn in front of Joshua one day near Jericho after Israel crossed the Jordan River into the land that had belonged to Canaan’s descendants.

Joshua bravely approached the warrior and asked him if he was on Joshua’s side or his enemies’ side. He responded, “No…”

Yahweh then told Joshua that though He was not on Joshua’s side, He had given Joshua victory over the city of Jericho. He gave Joshua instructions on how to step into that victory by agreeing with Him and obeying Him as His Armies fought the war with Jericho.

God is not on our side. We don’t really have a side. We need to be on God’s side. As He leads us, step by step, into being conformed to His character and values and ways, we take up His side. We learn the mission statement and purpose of the Family Business, which is bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to the earth.